Our Program

Gifted Enrichment Center

Begun in 1999, the Program Challenge Gifted Enrichment Center is designed to meet the needs of elementary school students who have been identified for gifted services.  

The Center, located at 205 Spalding Drive, serves students in grades K-5 one day each week. Students are grouped by grade level with other students from across the county. At the Program Challenge Center, teachers work with the students on standards based learning, problem solving and research skills while fostering emotional growth, creativity, leadership and independence.

The motto of the gifted program, “Spark the future, Challenge the Mind,” along with the school system’s motto of “Grow, Sustain, Collaborate, Succeed” form the central basis of all instruction and activities at the Program Challenge Gifted Enrichment Center.


At the elementary level, identified gifted students are served through the Program Challenge Enrichment Program.

Students attend gifted resource classes one day a week. These classes are taught at the Elementary Enrichment Center. Students experience curriculum with an academic content foundation based on the state and system curriculum performance standards.

The focus of the elementary gifted curriculum is interdisciplinary enrichment activities. Units are revised as needed to ensure that our gifted students are achieving at a high level. The content and pacing of the curriculum is differentiated to the extent that activities are clearly not appropriate for more typical students at that grade level.

In addition, students identified as gifted may be served with collaborative teaching or cluster grouping. Gifted students will receive appropriate differentiated curriculum and instruction in their regular school classrooms on days they are not attending Program Challenge. At a minimum, eligible students are served the equivalent of five segments of gifted instruction per week. 
